It's supposed to snow tonight. It's like a fucking winter wonderland.
I might be happier about this whole gobs-of-ice-and-snow winter if I hadn't been combatting an array of maladies, meaning that shoveling is just one more thing to tire me out too much to brain effectively.
So, what's new? Well, if you've been following the Unlikely Story blogs, either on lj @ or wordpress @ (or on twitter, or G+, or possibly on facebook, though they've started to suck as far as actually communicating with people anymore), you'll have seen that Issue 8 (which is our 10th issue) is now available. This is our first Cryptography issue, and given the number of excellent stories we had to pass up due to budgetary constraints, I have high hopes for when this theme rolls around again next year.
What else is new? Well, some of you might know that a while back Circlet Press put out a call for an anthology called The Flesh Made Word, erotica about writing. The editing process got derailed for a few personal reasons, but we're now back on track and edits are in process. Working with Cecilia Tan at Circlet has been both interesting and educational. In every slush pile (and also in every critique group) there are always those maddening stories that are good, but something about them just doesn't sit right - that are missing something critical, but damned if you know what it is. Cecilia is brilliant at identifying those things, and I feel very lucky to have had the chance to participate in that process. Anyway, more news on that soon.