Gamble-Street Website!!!

Mar 26, 2007 16:11

I've been working on it and I'm finally ready to tell my friends here at LJ!!!

Jim jim_street and I have a new website!

Clicking this banner will take you there, if you want to check it out.

Yeah, it's replacing the free little site we had at Geocities...

Isn't that cool news??? I'm just excited as can be. I really am!

So the rest of this entry will be me carrying on about all the work I did to get it ready for public consumption. LOL. And as I assume everyone will be bored as hell, I'll even cut it. OK? OK. LOL.

I'm now OFFICIALLY boring you with website details.

First off, I'm really, really, really, really annoyed that the automatic redirect function (that's a meta tag) won't work at Geocities. It's a lot more cool when you can simply redirect people to the new site. But what the hell. It is what it is. So I had to stick a link up and call it good.

I plan to take down all the pages over at the Geocities site, but I haven't finished doing that yet. I hope there aren't too many people who have various fanfic pages bookmarked there. But whatev.

I had to spend AGES recoding all the pages. I decided to check the code. You know, I'm thinking about trying to validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional, believe it or not. My current code is all HTML 4.01 Transitional, which I wrote ages ago. (I guess that's pretty obvious.) I wonder how hard that would be??? (One of you guys who is really into coding should be able to give me an idea, right?)

I found a couple weird mistakes in my code. In one place on every single page I was missing the for the main table that all the other code is nested in. I can't imagine how I could have spaced it, but I did! So when I recoded I had to be sure every time to check for it and add it.

Then in another spot I had an extra -- closing where it wasn't open, in other words. I've no clue how I did that, either, but I had to fix it on every page.

I already needed to change some dimensions because of the change from Geocities (with the ads running down one side) to a normal site. OK, maybe normal is a bad thing to call it. Maybe paid is better. (As opposed to a free site like Geocities.) Then I had to recode the internal search engine (which also requires a separate template that I had to code) for every page. And I use Enkoder to put email info at the site, so I had to get new code for all of that and paste it into every page, too.

While a lot of it's repetitive stuff that doesn't require much in the way of BRAINS from me -- LOL -- it did mean I had to get a method to my madness, and try to stick with it. (Thankfully Chad didn't ask me what I was doing on every single page as I did it!!! LOL. Only about 1/3 of them, I think.)

What else?

Oh, I want to check all my links to make sure none of them are dead. I hate it when I go to a site and try to click a dead link, so I'm sure not going to leave any around my site to annoy others...

It's funny, but when you haven't coded in ages it takes a little time to get back into it!

And on the subject of Cascading Style Sheets, did any of you know that the new standard was to avoid background-color and just use background, instead? I don't mind that, as it's easier to do all the background attributes at once, anyway. But it did mean changing my style sheet.

Hey! And what the heck gives with this one:
p.tiny { font-size: x-small; }

I used it previously, but now it won't validate! That one line messes up my whole style sheet, so I didn't even try to validate it. I guess 'font-size: x-small' is no longer good, for whatever reason.

Of course, I'm bad about still using things like in my pages, which is totally wrong now. But it actually does validate, so what the heck.

I'd like to maybe try a new banner for the site, too -- when I get around to making it, of course! And it would be pretty easy to change the colors, via my style sheet. (If I wanted to, that is.)

So the big thing now is to keep adding all the fanfic that never got uploaded in the first place! Of course, that means sitting here and coding all of it, but that's no big deal.

Jimmy's written a ton of stuff that he has up at jimbo_fic, but that I never put at the 'old' website. So far today I've coded and uploaded the following:

Star Wars:
Liquid Lesson

Minority Report:

King Arthur:
How Could You?
Woman Liberated
Your First, Your Last

But there are TONS more to go! I need to keep it up -- and then update the website news to reflect it...

I'm really on a mission, anyway. LOL.

(Why am I having such a difficult time using LJ today? Man.)


adding fanfic, 2007, checking links, gamble-street website, xhtml, coding css, coding html

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