Birthdays and Good Times

Jul 06, 2006 00:20

The kids had a great time at the bday party last Saturday. It was a madhouse here, with people -- mostly little people -- everywhere! LOL. I had a total blast. I really did.

Chad loved his presents and Katie Scarlett loved the cake and ice cream. Starsky kept trying to lick her clean, which was the cutest thing you ever saw.

The noise level was pretty high, so you can't blame Jimmy jim_street if he escaped with his buddy Rory -- and several visiting dads -- from time to time. (I can only guess where they went and what they were up to, as I had my hands full with kids and moms. ROFL.)

Anyway, I couldn't have done it without help from Lindsay and Bobby (and Rog, too), I have to admit. They were all life savers!

We skipped church on Sunday and just slept in. It was a lovely, quiet day. I did a few things in the afternoon to get ready for the gathering here on Tuesday, but otherwise it was just the four of us, lazing around, with Starsky under foot.

By Monday I was gearing up again while Jim went back to work. Thankfully we'd divided the needs list, so that everyone coming was helping out. So mainly I just had to gather enough chairs and put out decorations and make sure we had enough basic supplies like paper plates, napkins and plastic cups, forks and spoons to keep us in business. LOL. Others brought various food items, soda and beer and whatever.

Two parties inside a four day period was really pushing it, I think. But it was fun, anyway. And the demographics were decidedly different Tuesday, with a lot less kids and a lot more of Jim's friends from work. The beer and wine was flowing pretty freely and the grill never seemed to lack hot dogs or burgers.

I was proud of Chad both days, by the way. He's always a good kid, but some days it just seems more obvious than other times. He's growing up and getting smarter every day, I swear. Even when he was worn out and a little cranky, he managed to be good as gold. Jim was happy about it, too.

Today was spent cleaning up, with help from Lindsay again. Thank God! (Yeah, Chad helped, too.) Jim seemed none the worse for wear when he headed to work, even if he had hit both the beer and food pretty hard on the Fourth! LOL. (When hubby heads away leaving you with a dog and two kids -- plus a big, bad mess -- then you sure are grateful for the kind of friends who are willing to jump in with aid!)

Anyway, summer is in full swing here and we've got people around the house almost constantly, it seems. I feel pretty lucky to have such terrific friends both on and off line. It's great.

I do have to keep a close eye on Katie right now, as she's really walking. I mean walking all over! LOL. Her new trick is chasing after Starsky, but he's really good about it. (Poor long-suffering dog!)

I've been going to write for days, but it seems like every time I try I end up at the front door or on the phone. I'm not complaining, though. It's great to have such wonderful friends...

(Yeah, I'm blushing a bit about all the nice things people said when they saw the photo of me with the baby that Jimmy recently shared in his blog. I still can't get over him being willing to put it right out there like that. Man. Anyway, Jim's LJ friends were sure nice about it!)

I guess it's time to head to bed.

fourth of july, birthdays, katie scarlett, chad's bday, chad, bobby, katie's bday, lindsay, rory

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