Nice dinner, a glass of wine, and a Tow Truck??

Sep 28, 2006 12:36

I am not sure as to why my day was so rocky yesterday, but it was. It started off with an announcement that my division would be eventually phased out and sent to Kansas. Of course, that put dents in ALL of my plans. I mean, ALL! Everything that I wanted to do will have to suffer. So I thought, but we will get to that in a minute. Yeah so, after the meeting, which did not tell me anything that my woman 'feelers' weren't already telling me, I started to tear up a bit. I knew that it was going to be crazy because I have only been at this job since Feb. 06, and since June I have been twiddling my thumbs , literally. There has been NO work for us to, and we have litterally been riding the clock.
So.. needless to say, I have been looking for jobs that would make me feel like I NEEDED to be there, I been praying harder to fine my purpose, and boy did it come. This was something I needed to happen I guess because it just so happens my sister, who is a lawyer, has A LOT of business on her hands and she needs help. She had been trying to get me to work with her for the longest but knowing me and my sister's history I never thought twice about it. But in this case, I really don't have a choice. Plus, there is money to be made, and a sista needs not only a job, but a hustle as well. Catch is, I have to move back to Douglasville. I don't want to do that because I will have to put my Kato in the backyard, and I just got him back. I don't want to do that, but we will figure that out..

So, here comes the rest of my evening... I hooked up with none other than
luckybastid who I must say is not so lucky!  Tell you about that later (She is going to kill me for this).  We go get something eat, have a reall good talk about our lives and my current situation, and we go back to her place.  We are having our second glass of wine, I am feeling at ease because I have just talked to my sister who assures me that everything is going to be ok, and it is, and of course, I am feeling real good with my lite buzz.  10:45 pm, it's time to go home, and it's getting late.  We walk down to  the garage, give our hugs goodbye, and WTF?!  "Where the hell is my car Lucky????"  "Where did you park Crystal?"  I parked rigt there, the same spot that the truck is now in..... !"  me RUNNING as
Lexxdogg would say!  I felt soooo violated!  I felt almost... well, I won't take it that far.... We call the tow company and none other than the ANGRY BLACK WOMAN answers.  She doesn't know how much it's going to be, and she has a tude.  Why folks, this is what I am asking myself, why is ALL of this happening to me??  Anyway, we get there, and clearly I am thinking that my ride is coming home with me, I am thinking I am going to take my baby from that -hole, and we are going to ride out!  Uh no... You know why?  Cause I don't have my registration in the car.  Wait, I do, but it's the one from last year.  Great.... just FREAKIN great.  I mean, we tried to give them EVERYTHING, but ANGRY BLACK WOMAN with GOLD HAIR (FAT ASS) would not budge.  We go back to my house, and I looked, and looked.  Nutting..  So, my car had to sit in that place, and it was FUNKY.  I was mad cause I felt they could have put my car on the higher deck, but noooo, I had to be put with the wrecks...  So, I call my boss, tell her the situation, she tells me it's no need to come to work, so I don't call.  See what she says tomorrow when I put my two weeks in..  So today, I had to go to Douglasville, go to the courthouse, get my registration, go back to the tow place, thanks Lucky, and now I am here at Cactuc Car Wash telling you all about it.  What is next?  Well... At least my wig gets done today.....
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