Jan 12, 2007 04:21
'It isn't the sun,' he said at last, 'and it isn't Chartres. Nor the infernal bargain basement, thank God. It's all of them together. And you're recognizably you, and I'm recognizably me - though, needless to say, we're both completely different. You and me by Rembrandt, but Rembrandt about five thousand times more so.' He was silent for a moment; then nodding his head in confirmation of what he had just said, 'Yes, that's it,' he went on. 'Sun into Chartres, and then stained-glass windows into bargain basement. And the bargain basement is also the torture chamber, the concentration camp, the charnel house with Christmas tree decorations. And now the bargain basement goes into reverse, picks up Chartres and a slice of sun, and backs out into this - into you and me by Rembrandt. Does this make any sense to you?'
'All the sense in the world' she assured him.
From 'Island' - Aldous Huxley's last book