Aug 27, 2006 13:32
sooo yeah i have a lil more than a week left of summer. its been a good one i must say. Aside from practicing my 80's dance moves i have been getting shitty many a nights. on friday i went down to hermosa beach with katie and sarah and (there was a lot that ultimately led up to this moment) but i found myself running up the street away from a 27 year old in wet underwear holding my clothes and laughing hysterically. Its not as bad as it sounds. plus we locked him out of the house. im nervous about starting school on the 5th but when i break it down it cant be any worse than SF. plus im only going twice a week at night soo im hardly ever going to be there. Plus with this bomb nanny job im making bank so im seeing a pick up in the life department. ill keep you posted.