Apr 03, 2004 23:46
today was fun.. i went to the mall with karie n alex.. havent hung out with karie for a while. there was a lot to talk about, but yet, nothing to talk about? idk if you get what i'm saying. uhh.. then jen n i went to lucas's. i missed him so i was happy we got to hang out. carter n gerry are very talented on the guitar.
* . . . W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue? tongue .. as soon as i get these damn braces off.
2) be serious or be funny? a lil bit of both is always good.
3) drink whole or skim milk? skim
* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*
4) simple or complicated? complicated....i guess... most people say i'm difficult tho?
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) flowers or angels? angels
6) grey or gray? grey
7) color or black-and-white photos? color
8) lust or love? i prefer love..its purer and true?
9) sunrise or sunset? sunset..whay can i say.. i'm a romantic.
10) M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles
1) rap or rock? Both
12) staying up late or waking up early? stayin up late.. most def..... accept for MONDAY.. i love mondays.
13) TV or radio? tv
15) eating apples or oranges? oranges
* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *
16) Do you have a crush?: doesnt everyone?
17) Who is it? haha..its a secret?
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
18) being hot or cold? definatly cold.
19) tall members of the opposite sex? tall.. but not too tall.
20) sun or moon? Sun
21) emeralds or rubies? Emeralds
22) left or right? i dont prefer lefty or righty.. who cares which hand is dominate on someone?
23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend?
24) sun or rain? I LOVE THE RAIN.... for the wrong reasons..* i LOVE the rain because i LOVE you.*<3
25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? vanilla.
27) green beans or carrots? green beans.
26) boys or girls? boysss
28) low fat or fat free? fat free....
* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? honestly.. this may sound queer... but it truely is : being onmy death bed and looking back on my life... and i realizing i really havent lived my life to its fullest.
30) Kids or no kids? i'm not sure yet.
31) Cat or dog? Dog
32) Half empty or half full? half empty
33) Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? hard
35) Newspaper or magazine? Magazine
36) Sandals or sneakers? sandals
37) Wonder or amazement? amazement
38) Red car or white car? i prefer red.. but i have a white car.. i dislike it so much.
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? sad and rich
40) Singing or dancing? i dont know... both?
41) Hugging or kissing? kissing
42) Corduroy or plain? plain
43) Happy or sad? happy
45) Blonds, brunettes? umm... i dont usually care.. i've gone out with both?
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
-What time is it? almost 12
Full name? carrie beth summers
-Nicknames: cb, ceebee, sums, cummers?, scary cummers, idk.. there is one that i dont prefer to share with people that dont already know.
-Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? considering that fact that it was almost 6 months ago.. i dont remember.
-Date that you regularly blow them out? november 13th
-Pets? i have a dog.
-Height? almost 5'4
-Eye Color? light brown somtimes dark brown... idk they change.
-Hair color? umm.. medium brown with dirty blonde streaky highlights. i like it.?
-Piercing(s)? yeah... 4.. my ears
* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . .*
-Where do you want to live? somehere far away from here.
-How many kids do you want? i dont know yet.. zero or 1 or 2.
-What kind of job do you want? i wanna be a cosmotoligist... if that fails... a history teacher(i'll get alot money doing this than cosmotology)