Sometimes its best if ppl forget about u. It makes the confusion and sadness go away. I want some ppl to forget about me and mine. I pray that god just closes the door and makes it disappear because nothing can fix what the past is. I've learned and grown stronger from it but at the same time it saddens me greatly. Sometimes I guess u just have to let go of something great and special. It may not be what god wants but I feel he understands and respects that life needs to move on and at times u just can't follow what he wants from u. As my father he knows my heart n very soul. Its not giving up or turning my back on my path its seeing that I just can't be where he wants me right now. I love god with my whole heart but I need him to help me forge a different path with him just loving me and helping me change my life. I know greatness in something is ahead of me and that I have some pretty high mountains to climb. But what was will never be. And I'm ok with that I understand it too.
I am not a bitter mean person. I act like it because I try so.hard to protect myself from ppl who will hurt me. I just want my life to be peaceful right now. And if that means to be forgotten then so be it. Because I know he never will forget me. I know the ppl who.don't fear having me in their life will never forget me. They will always love and hold me close to their hearts in the face of.judgment, hate, and misunderstanding. Because they simply love me.
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