(no subject)

Mar 30, 2008 14:16

so, i wasn't planning on posting anything in here about my asylum challenge but today my sims went crazy.
thus, i introduce you to the Crazy family.
clever name, huh?
(p.s. sorry the pictures are crappy quality, i was mostly just wanting to document the antics of the day)

so, the sim that i'm controlling (Jennifer) came home from work with a cold. this totally pissed me off because i've kept these damn sims healthier than should be possible. and i was fairly sure i'd set my neighborhood to be immune to disease. :[ in any case, almost all of them were sick within a few hours.
but the real antics started out with Lily going into aspiration failure.
she'd just gotten struck by lightening a few minutes ago, and had to hop out of the shower to meet with the therapist.

so here we have it, Lily is making the customary aspiration failure faces..

then Matt comes in wanting to take a shower

he's mad at her for being in his way..

then he finally realizes that she's gone crazy and makes fun of her.

oh, and while he's at it he might as well mention she smells. :[

the therapist leaves and Lily makes funny faces in the mirror; Matt finally hops in the shower.
(i'm not really sure why Carla is in here, nor why she's in her undies..)

while Matt's still in the shower, Lily cries about having wet herself while standing right in front of the toilet (see the puddle?)

then she goes out to the living room to entertain the others with her lamp shade dance..

meanwhile, Jude wakes up and he's all red.
apparently he was having a heatstroke, awesome

he wobbles around for a few minutes..

then finally collapses on the floor.

as if Jude weren't enough, Lizzy wakes up and has a heatstroke as well.

Jude freaks out about something (probably being hot), while Lizzy gets ready to collapse in a heap

ooh, he had to pee really bad. riiight.

Lizzy stayed on the floor like this until Jennifer came in and doused her with water.
..can sims die of heatstroke?

since one sim going into aspiration failure isn't enough for today, Kylie follows suit

she looked super pissed about it too. she makes the scariest faces, i swear.

blah, blah, blah we get it.

the therapist shows up to make her feel a bit better..

did you notice that Jude is still all red? yeah, he just can't seem to cool off.

then Kylie proceeds to dance..

after this sweet move she started pounding her chest like a gorilla, but i didn't get a picture. :[

i guess Lily felt left out, so she came back to do her lamp shade dance again

...no one really seemed to enjoy it

oh, Joey woke up all red too but she has yet to have an actual heatstroke.
very strange.

so yeah, that was my crazy day with the Crazy sims. ;]
i'm thinking about starting a Legacy Challenge after i finish with this one (or maybe before then), and i'll be posting pictures of it for sure.
those ones should be good quality.
..and i'll come up with some better commentary too.

asylum challenge, sims

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