
Dec 28, 2004 09:36

on the 26th kat slept over we went to the mall and shopped a lil then we wnet to airport plaza and got applebees and then we saw meet the fockers wit di joe and matt it was goood shit then we went bak to my housee and chilled. we watched bridget jone's diary and it was kinda confusing and its overrated bc it wasnt all THAT great. then we went to sleep andg ot up and had cake lol then we played in the snow and we tryd to build a ramp to sled over but it kept flaling down wen we went on it :( o well. then we chilled in my room and she went home at like 1:30 we had a good time tho<33. then later that day my mom took me shopping and then i came home and i went to the mall at 7:30 with lyss matt and di!! it was fun i had to much energy coz i had 2 bottles of bawls hehe. aaah then i went home and went to sleep ok now i gota go and get my haircut! later on today im suposto finlyyyy see amanda for the fristtime in like 687653464516 years!! woop woop. ill update laterrrr or tomorrow

xoxoxoxo jennn

<|3 its beena wholeeeeeee week

ps me and eminem are dating =] and last night i told my sisters friends i was going on a date w. him and then wen diana came to pick me up i told them he was there to pick me up so they were following me outside to see if it was him and i was running toget away from them and i slipped on ice it was HIL-AR-IUS!!

aright bye
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