Apr 02, 2004 22:27
man i need to poo, but i dont feel like gettin up to poo, so i have decided to not poo. uhhhh my fingers smell, that is correct i smell my fingers. ima right something about all my frens:
yeah no more friends, it was dumb, cause i forgot like 20 people and then i put people on there that were like not that good of friends so screw that shit.
alright for now thats all i can think of, man o man. today fuckin sucked by the way, i went to school, finished my spanish report thing in math, did bad on it. fuckin alex and geoff couldnt pronounce a word in spanish correctly if they had a gun to their heads. douche bags. then i went to lunch, i was late to chemistry took a test, which im thinking my grade ranged from an A to an F on that baby. then went to english, drove around blasting cannibal corpse, totaly pointless. went to 7-11 and then microwaved a slimjim, did u know that a 7-11 microwave is 1400 wats, crazy huh. wow this is dumb, yeah then i went home, masterbated of course, hung out with a fat guy and a short mexican and then came home and did this shit, good day huh. anyway make comments or something, ima go poo now.