Title: Bruised
Words: 282
Rating: Pg
Pairing: Ray K/Fraser
Warning: Pre-slash
Disclaimer: I do not own these creations, therefore no copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made from this.
Summary: Ray talks to Frannie about mistakes. Set during, 'Mountie on the Bounty' Part 1, using the following prompt by
captainlogic: 'Have you ever made a huge mistake?'
captainlogic "Hey, Frannie?"
She turned to look at him, hip leaning against the sink, her hands in bright pink washing up gloves still wet from the bowl of soapy water.
"Have you ever made a huge mistake?" Ray asked as he leaned back in the kitchen chair, knees akimbo as his feet stilled from tapping a rhythm on the floor.
"What kind of mistake?" she asked.
He bowed his head as his right fist throbbed, remembering the thud of flesh on bone.
"You know; something you wish you could take back."
She cocked her head to the side. "Like a sweater?" she shrugged, turning back to her washing up. "I went shopping once; you know that little place on the corner? By Berties'? I bought this hideous…"
Ray looked at his hand, laying it on the table as Frannie carried on. The look of shock and hurt on perfectly chiselled features flashed behind his eyes. He pushed on the bruised knuckle with the thumb of his other hand, feeling the throb and the answering pain in his stomach. Guilt.
Why did he have to push Fraser away so hard when he actually wanted him much, much closer? For the first time since Stella left, he felt the shocking sting behind his eyes.
"Yah, Ray." Francesca's voice broke through his thoughts, and Ray looked up grateful for the distraction. She was looking at his hand.
"Yeah, I've made a huge mistake before," she looked at him in the eye, "but you've still got time to fix yours."
He looked at the bruised knuckle, flexed it and placed it back on his knees underneath the table, out of sight. He nodded slowly.
"Thanks, Frannie."