Showing my age...

Sep 10, 2016 23:03

Watching the Last Night of the Proms, I found myself thinking, "How many other people hear the last quatrain of Jerusalem as 'I shall not flinch from my great plan, no matter how insane it seems, 'til we have built Jerusalem, and made it look like Milton Keynes'?". Is it just me? Am I one of the few who remembers that classic Spitting Image episode?  Am I just old?

(Yes, you're just old.)

Oh, and Sleb spot (for small values of sleb); Spizz, cycling over Blackfriars Bridge, fifty years to the day after the first episode of Star Trek aired in the US.  You know, Spizz?  Out of Spizzenergi?  "Where's Captain Kirk"?  Oh, look it up.
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