
Feb 07, 2008 18:22

I'm reading two things at once right now. I've started reading Fables once again. It's a really good comic book series.
Basically all the storybook characters get run out of their kingdom by some evil people. They've set up a community in the "Real World" for themselves, and all the characters who wouldn't fit in in a city go off to "The Farm", characters like the Three Little Pigs and Thumbelina and the like. So they're trying to live amongst regular unsuspecting people, and to keep them unsuspecting. Stuff happens and the evil people, i think, find their way into the human world. And that's as far as I've gotten. It's REALLY good.

The second thing I'm reading is The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov. I've been trying to finish this book for months and months, but I can never seem to get past chapter 5. It's only 176 pages long. One of those things i should have finished in a day or two. but every time I start reading it, something else comes up and I forget about it for a while. but I'm gonna try really hard to finish it this time. Because I really want to know what's going on.
(Also Julius gave me Dune, which he stole from the outdoor sale rack at Borders. Everyone says it's really good, so I'm looking forward to reading it. Especially since I'm a total SciFi geek.)

Exercising is going pretty well. My sides hurt though. I mean, you'd think it would be my abdomen area, since I've been doing lots of sit ups, but it's my sides... I have no idea why... But yeah, I've been keeping it up all week, which surprises me. Now I just need to eat healthier. But that's hard because there's nothing to snack on in this house. So I usually end up eating a sandwich, or a ziplock bag full of cereal, when all I really wanted was an apple, something. The only fruit we have is grapefruit from the tree in the back yard, and bananas. I really dislike grapefruit, and while I like the taste of bananas, I can't stand the feel of them in my mouth, They're just too squishy. What I really want is tangerines.

Jordan (Jorden) is back from Guatemala. He text(ed?) me at 4AM but I was asleep, so I text him this morning, he also needs a job. We're both applying at Henry's apparently. I hope we both get hired. I miss working with him. He's really fun to work with. And if we worked together i would actually get to see him on a regular basis, instead of just having random text conversations once every few months, and occasionally going to one of his bands shows. He's one of my oldest friends. The only one of my friends I've known longer than him is Michele, I met her 6 years ago, and she introduced me to Jordan. I really miss him.  (Side Note: One of the questions on the application for Henry's is What is your favourite food, and why is it yummy? What does this have to do with ANYTHING!?!)

Anyway, Julius has to come home for a couple days this weekend because the head waitress at his dad's restaurant fainted and was hospitalized a couple days ago and he needs to fill in for her. It really sucks, I feel bad for her because she works full time 6 days a week and also takes care of her kids all the time because her husband is in Japan, I think. But at the same time I'm happy because I get to see Julius again, and next weekend too because he doesn't have class or work that Monday.

I downloaded all 13 R.E.M. CDs the other day. I've been listening to them all day today, Still have 10 to go. Right now I'm listening to It's the end of The World as we Know it which is my favourite R.E.M song, and one of my favourite songs in general.

I"m still in the process of rearrangeing things in my room. I need to box some of the stuff I don't use anymore so I can store it in the surprisingly large space under my couch. I just need to get some boxes that aren't more than 1 foot high. I also just need to throw out stuff. But I just get really attached to things. I've got a box full of stuff I haven't used since Junior High probably, but I can't seem to throw it out. Basically my room is like a mini studio apartment, but without a bathroom or kitchen area. I've got my loft bed, then under that I've got my office/ living room area, I really should just get a mini fridge and a microwave and then I would be all set. Plus my brother wouldn't eat my stuff. I'm gonna take pictures later because I wanna post them at
ourbedrooms which is a really cool community. I get some really cool ideas from them. I'll post them here too.

That turned out to be longer than expected.

:gets back to cleaning up:

r.e.m., jordan, exercise

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