midtemrs aRe oVer !! <33*

Jan 27, 2005 13:03

HEy everyone, today was the LAST day of miDtERms!! wo0t HELL YEAH ! thnk god its overr-i sucked at them.. .lol at least i got a A- in chorus for singing BY MYSELf! ahh that was scaryy.. but yeah- haha tomorrows friday ! im so hAPpY cuz dezi can finally bring me to the club on saturday!! lol i cant wait - as dezi says, "the grinding has begun" lmFAo** but im not like that . . . . ;] haha so yeah im pretty excited about that !! so now im just hanging around drinking my CoFfEe <3 and listening to muSic * what else is there to do on 1/2 dayyzz? haha well im gunna go0, mikes calling mE- ttyL'z x0x0<33


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