Mar 03, 2005 16:12
I am: brittney
I want: to live
I have: enough
I wish: too much
I hate: nothing.
I miss: sleep
I fear: death
I hear: silence
I search: everything
I wonder: many things
I regret: most things
I love: family n friends
I ache: ((no idea))
I always: talk lol
I am not: courageous
I am not: aggressive
I dance: for fun.
I sing: when im by myself
I cry: when im angry or sad
I am not always: with it. hehe
I write: in my livejournal
I win: love
I lose: love
I confuse: myself
I should: get some balls
I die: when i fail to achieve
I live: to strive
I see: my surroundings
I feel: tired
I can't: be late for work.
<3. britt