Feb 25, 2005 16:01
**Aghh I'm going in 20 different directions right now.
**Soo today was rather well. But how I am feeling is going left and right. I just want to go scream at the top of my lungs.
**One of my best friends is totally against the world with out even knowing it... and I want to help this person but at the same time I wish I could slap this person to wake them up! Actually I could say that about 3 of them.
** This world makes no sence... why do people make choices when they know it is not the one they really know they should make? Or why do people purposley try to hurt someone else?! AND WHY do our emotions get soo mixed up- especially when we think we know what the heck we're thinking! I'm soo frustrated dahhh!!!!!!!
**I was heating up my Chinese food to hear my dad in the garage- and I thought he was talking to himself but by fact it was some guy here to like look at his motorcycle... aghh that makes me mad too! But w/e people seem to make decisions w/o my advice or caring...
**Self esteem issues are coming back in... I'm trying REAL hard to fight them away though!!!