Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2006 18:50

i'm updating again today because...i had a really good day with Trevor! Mom, Thomas & Byron left this morning to go where they had to so Robert, Justin, & Trevor came around here to get me at like 8:30 or 9. We had to go to the doctor with Trev then to look at a car then to Justin's momaw's to get something i don't know...anyways Trevo & his dad went into some place i don't member what it was called & he came out with me a rose & something else i don't know how to explain it but i'll post a picture if i remember!. i L-O-V-E-D all of!!...after he gave me my stuff we headed off to Clintwood where our moms work so Roberto could give trevor's mom what he got her. but she was sick so he had to take her to the doctor. we talked mom into lettin us stay at Trevo's with Justin. i was excited to get to spend all day with him! i swear i love him more than anything in this world! this time around just keeps gettin better & better!! life couldn't be any better right now. anyways we stayed at his house for a while then mom came & got me after she got off work =( i didn't wanna leave. but i had a bunch of fun. like i always do when i'm with him!....but i'm gonna go eat i'm starved


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! =))*

¨» Yøu knøw yøu really løve sømeøne when yøu dønt hate them før breaking yøur heart «¨ ---SO true

♥ You know you’re in love when: ♥

Every moment you spend with him/her isn’t wasted & you wish they’d *never* leave your arms....You can’t get him/her off of your mind.(not that you want to)… You think about them constantly wishing they were there with you just to *hold* them in your arms & never [let go]…You would do anything for him/her. Absolutely anything. You’d jump off a cliff for them. You’d take a bullet for them just so you wouldn’t have to live a moment with knowing he/she wasn’t there...When they break your heart & you forgive them because for once you really believe they’re sorry & would never hurt you on purpose for anything in this world again…You can tell him or her anything….You trust them enough to give them your heart & hoping & hoping they won’t EVER break it knowing if they did your world would end & you'd be nothing without them...When they can make you laugh when you never really wanted to smile in the first place…They make you happier than you’ve ever been with anyone else…….but
most importantly you can just [feel it]…


Now something i stole off everyone*


[ ] I am shorter than 5'4"
[x] i dont think im hidious but i dont think im beautiful
[x] I have scars.
[ ] I tan easily.
[x] I burn easily
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have/I've had braces.
[x] I wear/need glasses.
[x] I have more than 2 piercings
[ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears.
[x] I have freckles.

Family/Home Life

[x] I've sworn at my parents
[ ] I've run away from home
[ ] I've been kicked out of the house.
[x] My biological parents are not together..
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday.
[ ] I've had children.
[ ] I've lost a child.


[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation.
[x] Disney movies still make me cry.
[x] I've peed from laughing.
[x] I've snorted while laughing.
[x] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[x] I've glued my hand to something
[x] I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
[x] I've had my pants rip in public.


[ ] I was born with a disease or imparment
[x] I've gotten stitches.
[x] I've broken a bone.
[ ] I've had my tonsils removed.
[x] I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend.
[ ] I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
[ ] I've had a surgery.
[x] I've had chicken pox.


[x] I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
[ ] I've been on a plane.
[ ] I've been to Canada.
[ ] I've been to Mexico.
[ ] I've been to Niagara Falls.
[ ] I've been to Japan.
[ ] I've Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] I've been to Europe.
[ ] I've been to Africa.
[ ] I've been to the Eiffel Tower.
[ ] I've been to Jamaica.


[x] I've gotten lost in a city.
[x] I've seen a shooting star.
[x] I've wished on a shooting star.
[ ] I've seen a meteor shower.
[x] I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
[x] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[x] I've been to a casino.
[ ] I've been skydiving.
[x] I've played spin the bottle
[ ] I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[x] I've been in a car crash.
[x] I've been in a play.
[x] I've met someone in person from the internet.
[x] I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
[ ] I've seen the Northern Lights.
[x] I've sat on a roof top at night.
[ ] I've played chicken.
[x] I've played a prank on someone.
[x] I've ridden in a taxi.
[ ] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[ ] I've eaten sushi.
[x] I've been snowboarding/skiing.


[x] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
[x] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[x] I've snuck out of my house.
[x] I have lied to my parents about where I went.
[x] I've cheated while playing a game.
[x] I've cheated on a test/quiz.
[ ] I've run a red light or stop sign.
[ ] I've been arrested.


[x] I've consumed alcohol.
[ ] Sometimes drink.
[x] I've passed out from drinking.
[x] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[x] I have gotten drunk with a friend.
[x] I've smoked a cigarette before.
[x] I've smoked a cigarette before only once and don't still smoke.
[ ] I've done hard drugs.
[x] I have had cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[ ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.


[ ] I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[x] I have been in a long distance relationship.
[ ] I still am.
[x] I watch the news.
[ ] I don't kill bugs.
[ ] I am heartbroken.
[ ] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
[x] I curse regularly. [don’t meant to!]
[x] I sing in the shower.
[ ] I am a morning person.
[ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
[ ] I'm a snob about grammar.
[ ] I am a sports fanatic
[ ] love being neat.
[ ] I love Spam.
[ ] I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day.
[ ] I bake well.
[x] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, or blue.
[x] I would wear pajamas to school.
[ ] I like Martha Stewart.
[x] I am in love with love.
[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I laugh at my own jokes.
[ ] I eat fast food weekly.
[x] I believe in ghosts.
[x] I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
[x] I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I am really ticklish.
[x] I like white chocolate.
[x] I bite my nails.
[x] I play video games.
[ ] I'm good at remembering faces.
[ ] I'm good at remembering names.
[x] I'm good at remembering dates.
[ ] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[ ] I am in love with someone that I shouldnt be in love with.
---I love Trevor scott young and nothing will ever change that… =))

i ♥ trevor scott young.
...forever & always
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