
Jan 28, 2006 23:08


today was w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l! && it was all because i spent the whole day with my wonderful boyfriend Trevo! i swear i love him to death && nothing will EVER change that...EVER!

...hmm...i went up there at like 12 or somethin after because mom was slow this morning. we layed around for a while && watched the Longest Yard (parts of it anyways). Justin came up there. he's kool...except* when he bothers me about *something* lol oh well..anyways trevo's sister came up there for a while then we went down Justin's && shot some pool it was fun for a while. then we had to leave...omgsh i rode with him in his branco thingy all i have to say is wow...fun!..lol ummm after we rode up somewhere i don't know we went down to Matthew's so he could ride his horse =)). he looks good on a horse haha....hmmm then we went back up to trevor's house till like 6 then me, danielle, justin, gj, && trevor went to the pool hall in Clintwood. we had fun. even tho i suck at pool =/...after that we came back home to trevor's ate popcorn && watched the exorsist. it was like the first first one or something i don't know but it freaked me out! not as bad as the exorcisim of emily rose tho. i guess it was cause of who i watched it with =)) hehe. well we layed around && stuff till like 11 then we met mom somewhere...now i'm sad because i miss him lol.

....great day....got to spend it all with *you*

anyways im gonna go talk mom into lettin trevor go shoppin with us tomarow!




FREAKIN wrote this one all by myself! lol

♥ You know you’re in love when: ♥

Every moment you spend with him/her isn’t wasted & you wish they’d *never* leave your arms....You can’t get him/her off of your mind.(not that you want to)… You think about them constantly wishing they were there with you just to *hold* them in your arms & never [let go]…You would do anything for him/her. Absolutely anything. You’d jump off a cliff for them. You’d take a bullet for them just so you wouldn’t have to live a moment with knowing he/she wasn’t there...When they break your heart & you forgive them because for once you really believe they’re sorry & would never hurt you on purpose for anything in this world again…You can tell him or her anything….You trust them enough to give them your heart & hoping & hoping they won’t EVER break it knowing if they did your world would end & you'd be nothing without them...When they can make you laugh when you never really wanted to smile in the first place…They make you happier than you’ve ever been with anyone else…….but
Most importantly you can just [feel it]…

Stole these!

You never learn anything if you don’t confuse yourself -

((in the end, the people who are meant to
be together, always find a way to
be together. )) ))

**Stuff happens in everyone’s life where you can't really help but to think, "what could have been". Don't worry about all that because if "what could have been" should have been, it would be now. You got to learn to let go of the past and don’t let others mistakes change how you see them. Life is way to short to judge people by what happened in the past. Look forward to the future and what is going to be.**

I don’t know what it is about you,
Maybe it’s the way nothing else matters when we’re talking
Or it might be how you make me smile more than anyone ever has
It could be the way you say
the exact right thing at the exact right time
But whatever it is,
I just want you to know you mean everything to me

♥ All I have to do, is look into his beautiful eyes
Smile, and watch him smile back. And it lets me know,
that everythings going to be okay.

♥ God gave you two legs to walk. Two hands to hold. Two ears to hear. Two eyes to see. But why did he give you only one Heart? Probably because He wants you to look for the other.

i ♥ trevor scott young.
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