Jan 15, 2006 21:28

well guys guess what?


I spent like the whole day with Trevo! it was great. i swear i love him to death...we went && got him at like 1 i think? we layed around here for a few hours then we went down to my granny's house to get my presents from everyone. then we came back here && layed around. then* we went to my mom's mom's house to get what they got me. =))...after that we came back here && once again layed around. had fun ;)...we were gonna get in the hot tub but we didn't end up having enough time =( oh well we will next time i promise =) lol...

hmmm well that's about all that's happened today...

tomarow mom said if she gets to feeling better she'll come down to school && pick me up to take me shopping for my birthday! im excited i hope she gets to feelin better! (i wish trevo could go with me!)...but anyways

im goin to lay down. im tired =/

I love you Trevor Scott!


*3rd time's a charm* =) hehe...

Quote ii stole off of Laken;;

~Someone out there was meant to be the love of your life, your best friend, your soul mate, the one you can tell your dreams to. He'll smile at you when you tell him, but he'll never laugh at your heart. He'll brush the hair out of your eyes and send you flowers when you least expect it. He'll stare at you during the movies, even though he paid $8 to go see it. You'll put his picture in a frame by your bed. He'll call you to tell you goodnight before you get into bed or just because he was thinking of you. He'll look into your eyes and tell you that you're the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, and for the first time in your life,you'll believe it...

&& another::

_you know you really [l o v e] someone
when you don't hate them for [b r e a k i n g] your heart*

&& one more!::

- LoVe iS wHeN eVeRy NiGhT yOu DoN't SeE hIm... YoU wIsH hE wAs ThErE! ×

=)) comments plz!
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