
Jul 18, 2006 23:03


1. Cigarettes: Smell gross.

2. Sex & Candy: YUM!

3. Relationships: Sooo much work.

4. Your Last Ex: If you can call it a relationship... he was very sweet.

5. Power rangers: are for 6 year olds.

6. Marijuana: Bad for you.

7. Crack: kills

8. Food: Should be fat-less and carb-less... my life would be way easier!!

9. The President: I used to be a fan but... not so much anymore.

10. War: I don't know. Politics and government aren't my forte.

11. Cars: Wish my family had one!

12. Gas Prices: Don't affect me because my family doesn't have a car!!

13. Halloween: FUN. You get to be someone you're not for a WHOLE night!

14. Bon Jovi: Very talented... i wish I knew his music better.

15. Religion: I am questioning. Still kinda finding myself, ya know?

16. MySpace: Is taking over the world.

17. Worst Fear: Spiders, failure, being unhappy.

18. Marriage: Should be to someone who truly cares about you.

19. Fashion: It is too much work and too expensive to have good fashion. Kiss my ass, hollywood!

20. Brunettes: Have a good reputation! No fair!

21. Redheads: Are always left out. No fair!

22: Work: $$$

23: Pass the time: Cheer is taking up my life.

24. One night stands: Not for sex.... maybe like a makeout hookup (if you're single, of course) but that's about it for me.

25: Cell Phone: s are nice to have.

26: Pet Peeves: People who are two-faced. Cancelling plans. Being shaken or poked at to be woken up. ARG!! Peer pressure... societal pressures...

27: Pixie Stix: Are kinda tasty

28: Vanilla Ice Cream: is not as good as the others.

29: Porta Potties: are dirty and smell gross!

30: High school: Has left me with many regrets.

31: Pajamas: Should be comfortable.

32. Wood: Trees??

33. Surfers: I want to be one. CALI here I come!!

34. Pictures: Are memories.

35. First True Love: Will be a special experience!!
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