Dec 29, 2008 02:36
Dreams that I have often:
-I'm drowning or being pulled underwater
-My teeth are crumbling
-I suddenly become paralyzed, then I wake up only to realize that I'm still asleep and I'm still paralyzed, then I actually wake up but I'm scared that I'm still sleeping. In these dreams my vision is blurry, I'm calling out for help, or I'm trying to crawl across the floor.
-I'm trying to punch and kick somebody to death but I am not inflicting any pain.
A couple weeks ago I had the first falling dream I remember. I was falling from a plane and I knew I was dreaming, I thought to myself if I just believe that I have a parachute I will be safe but I never got one then I started telling myself somebody would fly by and save me. Right before I hit the ground I laughed and of course I woke up before actually hitting the ground.