Dec 03, 2004 18:25
mmmmmmmm chik'n nuggets. see, there's no "c" or "e" 'cause they're fake-meat chicken nuggets, so apparently that means they can't either spell it right or just call it something else. well anyways, yum. hehe, they're actually pretty decent if made in the (toaster)oven and you have ketchup with it.
Oliver info meeting monday. I gotta decide what part(s) to audition for... auditions are friday and then into the next week... i think. my first track meet is fridya too. damnit.
track is fun. i love track. yay for hurdling. (im a bit of a track geek/dork :D hehe) track time trials tomorrow morning. too early for a saturday. and it's outside. um, cold. *brrrrrrr* maybe i should try that wacky invention called the glove. hmmmmm... oh, right, and i'm completely not ready for it. i just started hurdling monday (for the first time since spring track). agh.
you know what's also fun? saying things to really really stupid people and what you say just goes right over their head, and it may have been a slight insult to them... if they had gotten it, that is. sorry, simple pleasures. (ok, being really mean isn't cool, but mild insults directed at their intelligence is... hard to resist when you know they seriously won't get it)...