Jul 15, 2004 22:48
I had once again another out of control night with molly. Haha. So she picks me up and we're driving to Old Town of course. And we decide that Fort Collins is such like...a bad place. I mean its really pretty and cute and stuff but the kids here are really bad haha. So this is the Fort Collins motto..
Get fucked up on weed
Get fucked up on alc
Get fucked up the ass
Get fucked over
Haha fits perfectly, eh?
Anyways. So we're cracking up about that. We go downtown..yell at people. We see Mike Foskett..say hello. Blah blah blah. Then we go get ice cream haha and we sit down to eat it and these guys walk by and their like getting ready to talk to us then i go "I'm gonna blow.." hahaha and they walked away. It was horrible/hilarious. And then we're walking and this stoned hippie dad to his baby is all "OooO yaya!! we're gonna walk across the street yayayayaya hehehehe" and like outta control so we start -cracking- up. And then in the car we see fuckin sick ass Drew Pastor haha. So Molly screams and I duck. Twas hilarious. Saw the old man who rubbed his nipples last night. "Cute boys in a jeep!" haha Molly. OH and then we see Matt Wertz. Funny how last year he was all "im pimpin gangsta gangsta" and nows hes a total cowboy that hangs out with his friends in the bed of his truck in the parking lot of gart sports..haha sick And then Brandon calls and wants us to come get him cuz he's having a bad night(he's moving to wyoming;() and so we go get him..get back to old town..then Libby calls and needs Molly to go pick her up from some kids house haha sooo we go back out to get her and take her to meet her friends. Go downtown some more. I see these crazy mexican gangsters and i start doing guns hahah and then we had to get out to walk and they walk past me and they're like "Damn girl is your mama get mad at you? Betta holla back" haha i was like umm what? lol. We thought they had guns for shizzle. Oh and then we're sitting down AND nate and his friends walk past. hahaha so we're like SHIT WE HAVE TO HIDE hahahaha cuz hello they think we went to spain .. we dont even know anything about it and we dont look tan enough to have been in spain. haha so we like take off. And then we decide its time to go. So we drive around some more...blah blah. Go to the Movies to scare Matt and some other kid by their cars when htey come out.. and oh story of the night we're waiting outside of their car and i look over and im like shit scary. there is this boy like our age in a plaid skirt, no shoes and a black shirt and top hat tilted and he's just like staring at us and we all completely stop talking cuz he is walking SO SLOW and sooo creepyish omg. i thought i was gonna cry. i start freakin out im like omgggg its like some dead person out of the movies thats what it looked like!! he was just walking around by himself in the dark staring at us!! soo im flippin haha.. and we finally decide to leave THANK GOD. and molly takes me home.. me, her and brandon do our normal round about to the blue channel song..haha we have a routine. ITS SO FUN. lol and theeen i ran inside and now im here. woOo.. it was tres tres eventful... but now im tired. and im gonna go to bed for shizzle.. xOxO