Woke up at 8:15 :/ and went to drivers ed! woo hoo last drive is tom. then i am totally done!!! Well i went through mopac,lamar, dessau, and 685! man this friggin asshole almost made me get in a accident! One of The exit lanes on lamar was backed up FOREVER cuz of like an accident so i am going like 55 cuz mr. gilligan won't let us get to 65 but i usually go up to 65... anyways this explorer like pulls out of the exit lane that was backed up and just came into my lane with no blinker and he didn't even look to see if anyone was there! i had to control myself from the cussing! After class me and my madre went to eat at el rin con for lunch (yeah twice this week so far) had the same ole same ole thing. Came home burned some ppl the ashlee simpson and talked! later on i drove my mom to the bank, then to sallys, then picked up some food at panda express. After dinner i played some ddr and unlocked a new song!! yayuh! took a shower, straigtened my hair, watched newlyweds, then ashlee simpson! today i think i was hyper! i talked to ashlee and man me and her are some nosey ppl! and with amy she was pissed at somethings about vball and then she was upset cuz a phone call... i sorry amy i lub you though! woah travis man he is one silly llama...he confuses me and i confuse him.... woah so much in common! wanna makeout?! haha j.k.! also, chris...shit everyone stay off the road he got his permit!!! Then there was haley....no need to explain just read....
isapiump: dude download this song right now
isapiump: animal machine
Lil B b Ballin: member what you looked like i didn't notice til u pointed it out
Lil B b Ballin: by....?
isapiump: its the fuckin best song ever
isapiump: no i dont remember
Lil B b Ballin: ok well nvm
Lil B b Ballin: animal machine by....?
isapiump: the vines
Lil B b Ballin: i better be good cuz i am not the biggest vines fan
isapiump: it is so good
isapiump: its my fave song now
isapiump: its GRRRRRRRREAT
Lil B b Ballin: crap only 2 songs matched it
isapiump: man
Lil B b Ballin: woah last night in the car driving to heb was totally weird and ackward
isapiump: why?
Lil B b Ballin: first i heard ryan caberera on the radio...then in heb the were playing gavin degraw- i dont wanna be....
Lil B b Ballin: it was like a SIGN or something
isapiump: haha
isapiump: hmm
Lil B b Ballin: like i am meant to go to the concert to find somebody waiting there....mebe ryan caberera....
isapiump: haha yeah mebe
Lil B b Ballin: that wouldn't be TOO bad he's okay....sorry ashlee
Lil B b Ballin: he's mine BIA!
isapiump: lol well he's ok... but not really
isapiump: i dont find him attractive at all
Lil B b Ballin: yeh his hair bothers me but i saw this pic of him where he looked totally different and i was like woah you look very schexy
isapiump: hmm
isapiump: welli think hes a bit on the chubby side
Lil B b Ballin: yeha he kinda is
Lil B b Ballin: woah j.k. yeha...what was i smoking 2 min ago?! i meant yeah*
isapiump: haha
isapiump: yeha!
isapiump: cowboy
Lil B b Ballin: i think we were smoking the same thing!
Lil B b Ballin: in the words of travis haul, we have so much in common! wanna make out?!
Lil B b Ballin: yeha....no j.k
isapiump: haul?! what?!
Lil B b Ballin: thats his last name stupid!
isapiump: ooooooh ok
isapiump: i was like whaaaaa?!
isapiump: got it sorry
Lil B b Ballin: well at least i think it.... it has something to do with a boat
isapiump: lol ok
Lil B b Ballin: is a haul on a boat?
isapiump: i have nooo idear
Lil B b Ballin: well we will have to ask him cuz i am really confusing myself
isapiump: alllrighty
Lil B b Ballin: maybe he didn't say boat maybe he said haul, like U-haul
Lil B b Ballin: maybe his last name isn't haul at all
Lil B b Ballin: it could be like georgina for all i know
Lil B b Ballin: shit.
Lil B b Ballin: i am confused.
isapiump: lmao
isapiump: wow
isapiump: just STOP thinking right now!
Lil B b Ballin: i would but if i did that blood wouldn't be circulating to my brain which menas my blood can't go back to my heart... so tecnically i would be dead
Lil B b Ballin: and i know WE don't want that
Lil B b Ballin: see! i am a good thinker!
isapiump: ooook
Lil B b Ballin: you know what?!
isapiump: what?!
Lil B b Ballin: you just need to shut up! you....you pina colada!
isapiump: ok now youre just being toooooooo random
isapiump: rachel freakin jordan!
Lil B b Ballin: sorry i was thinking in my head like hmm... pina colada i want one! so i just said that
Lil B b Ballin: rachel jordan wtf?! i thought she was psycho!
Lil B b Ballin: shit. i cant spell worth a damn!
isapiump: but shes always so random
isapiump: so thats who u were acting like!
Lil B b Ballin: no wonder i was never invited to the spelling bee in ele-men-tary
Lil B b Ballin: the little - help me spell in hard times
Lil B b Ballin: soooo are you going???
isapiump: no ones home
isapiump: so no i dont thinks o
isapiump: think so*
Lil B b Ballin: ok thats fine i with me cuz i am really comfortable right now...like a bear thats hybernating.
Lil B b Ballin: is that too random?
isapiump: yeahhhhhhh
Lil B b Ballin: shit. haley i need you here with me. (not like that though you horny ham