How I met "The Peppermint Man"

Dec 22, 2005 21:45

Went to the doc. My usual doctor wasn't in so I went to the one that was. Only about 10 min. wait! Halelujah! They tested me and I don't have strep. THANK GOD! I do on the other hand have viral pharangitis (which isn't as bad). They said that my body will get over it without antibiotics. They gave me stuff to treat the symptoms though: shots to make the swelling of my tonsils go down (YUCK I know) and some pills to ease my cough. YAY! I didn't even have to go and wait for a stinkin' prescription. This makes me very happy.

Did I mention I'm going on the College and Career group's camping trip in Burmingham, AL? I'm excited. I've never been camping outside in a tent before (except when I was like 1 but that doesn't count). My family hasn't really had the urge to go camping since our other tent was flooded and we had to through it away b/c it rotted. I mean, we live in a mountain house in the woods anyway so that gives us a small part of the experience already (the whole solitude and enjoying God's nature part).

My mom ran into an old friend today, Bobby Gray, who I later came to know as "The Peppermint Man" that used to go to our church and watch me when I was 3. He told my mom about how him and I met.
*Traveling back 15 years ago...*
I was being dropped off in the 3-year-old Sunday school class. I looked like I was mad. "The Peppermint Man" came over to me and told me he would be my buddy. I looked at him, put my hands on my little hips and said, "You can't be MY buddy." And then asked if he could be my friend. "You can be my friend," I said.

And that my friends, was how I met the peppermint man.

Ok, I'm gonna go watch some movies since we have to return them tomorrow morning.

Merry Christmas if I don't get to say it later!


~"I must take issue with the term 'a mere child,' for it has been my invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely preferable to that of a mere adult."~ --Fran Lebowitz

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