1. Take your LJ username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (A=1, B=2, etc.)
B=2 R=18 I=9 T=20 T=20 B=2 L=12 I=9 T=20 Z=26 4 2 2 4
2. Add all of the numbers together to create a kind of super number. 130
3. Make a note of the first digit of this number, then add the digits of the number together. 1 5 0= 6
4. Find the post of this number in your LJ. If you don't have that many posts, add the digits together again. Keep doing so until the number is smaller than your pathetic number of posts.
5. Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post. man
6. Use the resulting word in a Google Image Search, and post the first result:
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://twistedmatrix.com/users/radix/MAN.png&imgrefurl=http://radix.twistedmatrix.com/&h=724&w=1278&sz=88&tbnid=hYngVXrmc_cJ:&tbnh=84&tbnw=148&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMan%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8 oh my that is a weird picture :/
ok ok ok today........well there isn't much that I thought about and I know I still need to do that one lil thing for the people that I have listed as friends, but see this time, I PROMISE that I will do it tomorrow, in fact I will do it like umm at 10? does that work for ya'll? lol in the morning yeah, so if its not out there by 1:30 then you can yell at me k? hmmmmmmmmmmm I never wrote about NBC did I? well I will write about that too but I will put that as a regular post.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I can't think of anything else cept I AM SO HAPPY AND I LOVE WAYNE (yeah my cousin don't think I am some weird) SOOO MUCH HE FINALLY BROUGHT MY COMPUTER BACK!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!! OH OH OH and also I htink that someone should call me during my break tomorrow so I can be cool and get a phone call, I am sorry if I don't answer it will just be because in that spot I don't have service.. I GOT TO SEE JENNY AND CHERICE TONIGHT!! eee I know it was for like an hour, but thats ok I am still happy because I havn't seen them in forever and it was making me sad, I havn't seen other people in forever, and thats making me sad too.. so I think that you should all.. CALL ME and then I can be happy tomorrow during my break (yeah right like anyone is actually going to listen to this, I am so pathetic) well lets see.. what else? *sigh* I didn't talk to 2 people today and I wish I could have it would have made my day so much better, but I guess there is tomorrow :) well hmmmmmmm not getting anymore so I will just end this with "toodles" oh oh oh one more thing, I may love wayne but I am also very mad :! because well I lost all the pictures that I wanted to download of all my friends and that makes me really sad, there were so many pictures that I had on my computer nobody else had and now none of my family can have them.. GOSH DARN IT! well anyways.. yeah actually going now. Later!