Nov 01, 2006 23:29
Hola mi amigoz.
this is gonna sound insane...
have you ever been like, insanely happy for no particular reason?
just like giddy, bouncing off the walls, bubbles of joy inside happy?
cuz thats what i am. i dont know why. i just am.its weird, i am a generally happy person, but usually i can pin point a specific reason for said "hey, i dont have ne home work..." or "hey, im pretty sure that taco bell guy didnt spit in my taco today. ya"
but lately, i have like this weird happy vibe going all the time. ive been like this all day long, and it hasnt been a particularly 'good' day, just one absent of tragic occurences and yet
still with the joy!
i dont know, maybe i am overthinking being happy, but i kinda feel like i am setting myself up to be like really really sad.
like i have all these reserves of happiness to protect me from something tragic that is going hto happen later...'
ah well, guess i better enjoy the joy now! ;0)