Feb 26, 2009 09:06
Updating on time, yes?
First off, I was planning to devote a second to say Happy Birthday Tony! (this is very belated)
Now of to important things ;D
Vagina Monologues opens next week from tomorrow. I'm very excited but also have a nervous disposition lying over me. I know all my lines very well but I've been having speech issues lately so I hope that doesnt get in the way. I'm very excited to wear my costume, I'm s sufferagette! I'll be rocking in my blouse and boots.
Spanish sucks but I passed the last test, so I'm staying. As long as I can pass all the next tests. My goal is just to pass the class, really.
Andy kicked me last week at rehersal. We were sitting and he was all pissy about it. SO I told him to sit, then after I called him fat (which I was not aware would offend him seeing I am also fat) he just kicked me right in the arm hand region. There was an awkward pause and I was in shock. The physical violence was way too much for me. And being bullied as a kid, I was frankly scared a bit. SO i basically avoided him the whole night. The next day, I asked him to apologize and he asked me to apologize first! I said that If he was having a bad day, he could have told me and not freaking kicked me...But all was settled and we hugged.
Yesterday we went out for Ashley's 22nd bitrhday at Beerworks. We had an amazing amount of fun! We were all making eachother laugh and my mom revealed that she was in a gang in high school. (NO lies!!) It was called the black widows and they could only date boys form their other gang. My mom's mega badass more than she's ever been!
I was very sick last night. I had the chills, fever, and stomach ache. I thouhg it was the flu but I seept for about 10 hours and I feel much better today. The headache is still there and I'm a it light-headed, but all in all I'm recovered!
Ok, I have to go do my hair before class. Till next time.