Aug 13, 2005 15:33

My Super Sweet 16 makes me frickin sick.

Today I went to the storage building and got my stuff out that I am taking to the dorm. I got almost everything except my jewelry armoi (sp?) and a couple more plastic totes, so hopefully my parents will go with me and help tomorrow. Now it's raining so I can't unload all my junk and go through it but that's ok, I need a break!!

I am trying to muster up some energy to get off my butt and do some of the things I need to do like clean up my room a little and learn the dance I have to know by Tuesday.

I cannot believe that tomorrow is my last day here. Monday I'll be heading to Jacksonville and then Tuesday I leave for camp until Friday. Then Friday I move into the dorm. I just can't believe it's already time for school to start. And I don't know when we're going to celebrate my birthday (8/23) since rush starts that day so I can't come home. I don't know the next time I'll be able to come home. Oh well I guess that means I get presents early. Darn.

More later.

I'm going to do sumthin!!
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