USAGE RULES: Take if you like, please credit to 'Brittany Diamond' if you use. Many thanks. =)
As I was figuring out what my raise would be for the epic battle that's going on here: I ended up making a couple of variations that I thought I'd share, plus a Spock version of a previous K/S wallpaper.
Oooo, look who learned how to make cuts. )
Comments 32
Hey, so when's Mirror Mirror gonna be put up? And hey, I meant to ask you before, have you already decided what each episode of TSC will be, or are you just picking scenes as you go along?
I'm basically just choosing stuff as I go for TSC. I'm trying to get a mix of the big things that everyone knows about and small (but equally important) things that people may not know about.
I do already know what's gonna be on the next episode, though. I even have the promo made. XD
*LOLz to the max over "aestheically pleasing backside"*
Did you see this over on ontd_startrek? I know you're a tos chica but I thought there were some interesting parallels to be drawn to the things Gene R. used to say about Kirk and Spock...perhaps that was just me, though. I tried my hand at being all analytical and shit in the comments ;)
I guess it's okay with you if I friend your shining K/S community. I loved every single demotivator, poster etc...
...and I guessed wrong. It says that you don't accept new members. Oh well, please let me know when you change your mind. *shrugs*
(What Yahoo list?)
If it doesn't even let you watch, though, let me know and I'll argue with LJ until it gets sorted out.
I successfully applied to "watch this community" feature.
You know, I have an art-journal myself, and when I created it I just chose the option about myself being the only one who could post on it. So people can join, but they can't post anyway. But to me it's totally okay to watch without joining. :)
The yahoo list is KirkSpockCentral.
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