Jun 09, 2004 00:23
ok so summer is so great and its double great not caring about other ppl. i really dont mean to sound conceded when i say this but in all honesty im really not concerned about anyone but myself, im just watchin out for myself becasue sure as shit no one else is. and some advice you should do the same.
this whole new attitude approach is going well for me i can actually say becasue i just dont give a fuck about what other ppl say now a days. and by the way who ever the fuck sent me a text message i jsut want to let you know if you ever want your dick sucked which will prolly be soon becasue its odvious you are desperate just give me a call id be more than happy to bite your fucking dick off and i know it makes you feel good to call me a slut becasue iv come to the conclustion that your just a lil raw about the fact that you cant fuck me oh and i have no doubt that your the person that left the little comment on my journal about two entries ago but dont act like your being nice. we all know that you have no life and the best thing you can think of to do is worry about me. really really sad. no really. but your in luck becasue i came up for something better for you to do. next time you got a cock in your mouth and your talkin shit and cant remember to leave your name dont bother because your not hurtin my feelings in the slightest honey, just take a gun and stick it in your mouth and dont even hesitate because ill pull the fucking trigger for you. but enough bitchin about that next time your thinkin about me dont waste my time please i really have better things to do.
on a happier note im so fucking glad i dont have to worry about school anymore but my nazi car is a lil retarded i gotta fix that. but summer is awesome becides that tonight travis almost jacked my shoulder. its gonna be retarded for a bit but i still love him he definitely kicked my ass i get him back though dont you worry. but im out.
oh and just incase you didnt know logan is the bestest ever like EVER just incase you didnt know
double oh and mike "warning your about to make a taco very happy" oh damn you already.. shit i mean holy fuck anyways
everyone have a shitty night and i hope you cant sleep PEACE