Kiss and Tell (Loose Lips Sink Ships)- Part Five

Feb 16, 2011 11:24

Title: Kiss and Tell (Loose Lips Sink Ships)
Pairing: Quinn/Shelby, eventual Quinn/Brittany, eventual Rachel/Santana
Rating: R, for language and possible adult situations
Summary: In which Quinn and Shelby reenact “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” by The Police, or Loving Annabelle, whichever you prefer.
Archiving: at inkyxfingers  (x-posted at several communities)

Note: This part is broken into two sub-parts (A and B).  There's a link at the bottom of part A that will lead you to part B.  Don't get lost!  All warnings, disclaimers, and links to other parts can be found at the archive.  Sorry for taking so long again.  Enjoy!

I hoped you choked and crashed your car; hey tear-catcher: that's all that you are, ever were, from the start.

`pairing: quitt, *type: fic, !rating: r

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