KS Advent Calendar 2013 submission

Dec 24, 2013 14:03

Hopes, Wishes

Vulcan was gone.

Spock trudged through knee deep snow, silent. Grief cut into his heart, and though he did not cry, his great emotions ran their course. He had found a way to coexist with logic and humanity in the same body, a feat that took two beings for one to achieve. This fact wrought a different sadness entirely.

They say humans distract themselves when confronted by extreme feelings of grief and guilt. Their minds search for a temporary diversion, a coping mechanism intended to grant them rest. Crunching into tall, white powder, Spock indulged his human half. His thoughts escaped to Jim, and a discussion they had enjoyed many years ago.

“In all your travels, Mr. Spock, you’ve never seen snow?” Kirk asked with a kind glint in his eye.

“Affirmative, captain,” Spock replied. “But as we are only one year, three months, and eight days into our five year mission, I expect there is enough time for such an encounter.”

Grinning, Kirk said, “I hope you get to see it while I’m around. Your expression should be, if you don’t mind me saying, fascinating.”

“Indeed, sir.”

Here, now, with a blizzard blowing into his face, Spock felt his captain’s hope satisfied. His thick glove rested on the locket hidden away in his coat. It was an old birthday message from his friend, brother, lover; a hologram expressing the fond wish of growing old together as they explored the stars.

So they did, so they were doing, and so they would always do.

fic, kirk/spock, ksadvent 2013

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