Well all right, so this episode happened and it didn't veer too far off into Crazyland. I definitely laughed more than usual ("Let her talk") and if Sam actually WAS you-know-who, I at least wouldn't hate you-know-you and his "career" as much.
And hey, nobody knew the show was gonna take a crack at doing THAT in season two!
The following is laid out it in random thoughts that happen to be in order of when they go down in the episode:
WHOA suicide. Are they really gonna make light of something that- ohhhhhh it's a ploy. Nevermind.
Okay show, I looked the other the other once or five times twice, but seriously now: Stop letting Sue physically assault students. She would have been fired the FIRST time, and every time you make her go that far it's not funny, it's just reminding that you're flying in the face of reality (and not just a little bit, or not in a way that has something going for it so I'll reluctantly ignore the downside). But now you have her throwing. Tina. into. lockers. Does nobody on that crew stop to think "Gee, wouldn't Sue be fired without question for this?" Because YES. SHE WOULD.
Stop it. You're better than that.
Ugh. Bieber. Sam is lucky he's so damn charming. But thank you, Glee Club, for at least starting out snickering and acknowledging how ridiculous Bieber is.
ANOTHER Bieber song? Well...with someone else singing it I guess it's not half bad.
Rachel and Mercedes did NOT just believe Sue's bullshit. Those women have IQs, you know! We've seen them be not-stupid! ::HEADDESK:: But it did lead to my pipe dream song getting performed, so...I'll shut up.
Fuck yeah, Zizes, you flaunt your BAMF self. Could not appreciate you more.
Finn's trying have an attitude in that little beanie thing? Bless your heart. Still, at least this song actually sounds like an anthem.
Sue's a director of Aural Intensity WHAAAAAAAAT?!?! You can't dick around for forty minutes and show up at the last second with something interesting!!!!
ORIGINAL MUSIC. NO FUCKING WAY. I guess we all knew they'd do it some time, but this soon? And coming from Rachel? MIND BLOWN.
...is that a little Finn/Rachel hope I see? I'm genuinely in suspense about what'll happen, which is weird since this is the second time in the series we're wondering if Finn will go with Quinn or Rachel. Hmmmmm.
Post-Episode Notes:
Not bad, not great, didn't make me bored. I missed the hell out of Kurt and Blaine, though. They can show Dalton without giving Blaine a solo, do the writers know this?
And no Karofsky? Boo.
Also: R.I.P Sam/Quinn. You were ultimately boring once you got together, but the way there was lovely.