
Sep 26, 2005 01:02

this shit is ridiculous. Why do i always do this to myself. i am being jerked around and fucked over i just know it. now any NORMAL human would not only recognize this, but stop putting themselves in that position. NOT ME. what the fuck is my problem? how can i be so aware of something like that and continually put myself in a position where i get hurt,over and over and over again. i officially suck at life. I'm about to just make a fucking sign and wear it on my forehead that says "fuck you and your sympathy,just leave me alone stay the fuck out of my life" I'm not looking for sympathy here, so if you were going to make a comment like "aww im so sorry to hear that" or "oh its ok brittany, it will get better" you can take it and shove it. i have officially shut down, and i am NOT ever letting anyone in again. EVER

[Edit: i have calmed down a lot since this entry, comments are now acceptable]
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