Writer's Block: Cinqo de Mayo

May 05, 2010 10:28

No, I do not celebrate Independence Day.

Why celebrate the independence of the U.S.A, or America, when there are so many things that I find that could improve (but probably won't) and things that sometimes make me feel embarrassed to be a U.S citizen.

I mean, I'm glad our country is free, if not, I'd most likely be married for about six years now (I'll be 18 in July) with just as many children, or dead.

Knowing how people from other countries feel about America, in which they mean the U.S, because America = Canada, U.S.A, Mexico, makes me disheartened. Why do they hate us? I know I've never done anything to disrespect anyone.

Sometimes I think, based on other country's feelings about us, the U.S is like a spoiled lazy rich kid (whom parents are rich, not them), drinking on the weekdays, smoking weed and being inconsiderate about the future, only in the now. When they are so many other "kids" wanting so badly to have the opportunities that we have, they have the intelligence (?), and determination, but not the attention or recognition they need to strive.

But all in all, I'd rather be part of the U.S, not being a stereotype, actually using our resources to better my life than to live elsewhere. I'm glad to be an "American."

writer's block, ?

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