english..... gahhh.

Nov 02, 2005 17:41

so ms. burkharts most recent endeavor for the junior class is for us to write a poem comparable to edgar allen poe. yes, because we are all literary geniuses, we will all create a piece of work comparable with a famed poet. yes. it will happen. NOT. this women is freaking nuts. i honestly do not understand the workings of her mind.... anyways, here's my poem. it's not quite finished, i have to decide on which i like better for line 17 and i still need an alliteration, but it's close enough... enjoy.

Pep Rally Plea

The screams all resonate, my mind will detonate.

Get me out of this place, please for the life of me,

don’t let me go but don’t let me stay.

I can almost escape my own reality this way.

The walls are forcing a label upon our time,

These faces force it upon us too;

branded like a stamp of idiocracy.

This moment life is merely mediocracy.

So close to the end, less time I will spend

with the conceited colors covering my mind

Salute to the ignorance

of this man-made magnificence.

They witness the discontent, seeing internally I’m spent,

in honor I raise a finger of pride

to the disorganized pleasantries

and the completely altered realities.

It arrives like the daybreak, protect me for my sake/rumbles like a violent quake

A salute to our ignorance in this cherished event

the minutes dwindle to seconds

and the actuality of my life beckons

I say these words in vain, the meaning very plain

the harshness seems misguided

silently I beg you to see within my plea

Please feel the fear inside of me.
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