Title: Review Pairing: All Rating: T Summary: Review of "The First Time" Spoilers: "Mash Off" 6th episode N/A: I don't own glee. DO NOT READ past PREVIEW, that is where the spoilers begin:)
had to carefully read your review as i try my damndest to not get spoiled. i don't even watch the teaser, and try to avoid the set list. all moot now that i have actually seen Mash Off.
tend to agree with you about Finchel. btw- during the Power of Madonna ep, right after their respective dates, when Finn lied and said he didn't go through w/ it, didn't Rachel also lie and say that she had? i can't recall when she told Finn that she hadn't actually slept w/ jesse.
things i liked: *santana in a red dress. i propose a new rule.
*santana pwning the Anita role and bringing down the house w/ America
*pezberry duet! yet one more person who duets better w/ rachel than finn does (imho of course)
*the football scout. the "i don't date girls" was pretty much perfect.
*artie's speech to the cast
*santana giving artie flowers
*Quinn saying something sensible
*Tina saying something meaningful. hurray for Tike being the model couple of sanity. please leave them in the background so they don't get effed up.
things that i disliked: *sebastian, sebastian, sebastian. find some other way to get klaine to the gay bar, b/c this guy serves no purpose except to take time away from other storylines that need it
*weird pacing, the student council election is STILL going on, but the play is already being performed?
*while i liked artie getting some face time, i thought what he said to both blaine and rachel and then later to coach beiste was all highly inappropriate. and while he makes an adorable wing-man, that was also kind of creepy.
*is that really a celibacy club meeting? firstly, none of them belong in it and if not a club, why on earth would quinn and santana agree to meet rachel b/c she asked them too?
*brittany's first time sounds suspiciously like rape. not funny at all. please bring her IQ back to something functional or i can't ship her w/ anyone since she just weirds me out.
things that i think were missing/would've liked to see: *i'm not buying that ohio state is recruiting Shane. at a big school like that even the o-line has to look more athletic. i think it is clear that RIB needs me to consult on the college recruiting process. i'm available.
*related to the above, i hope they realize that Finn can go to other schools. there are over 800 NCAA football schools in the nation. not going to Ohio state doesn't mean he still can't play football in college. on scholarship? maybe not, but there IS a level and a school out there for him somewhere. college sports is an awesome experience. there's nothing wrong with division III either! not being the BEST ever doesn't make him a failure and i hope that is the course that he is taking this year.
*related to the above path i hope finn is on, i hope that he realizes he is NOT the best male vocalist in ND. that doesn't make him bad either, but if he is truly the leader and wants to win at competition then he needs to realize that he is no longer the first string. totally my opinion as it is canon that he's supposed to be the male lead, but 1. why do they need a male lead? 2. why must competition duets be male/female pairings? 3. in no particular order: Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes and now Santana all pair better w/ Rachel than he does.
*more prep for the musical so we could see Artie as the director. would've made the cast's appreciation (esp Santana's) and his subsequent speech so much more meaningful
*some/any kind of meaningful glance between Britt/Santana during the "first time" meeting, b/c it is my head!canon that at least one is the "first" for the other.
*any kind of discussion about santana wanting to be a part of the musical. Sue has issues w/ her being in ND, but not w/ the musical? Also, santana seems to hate all the people in ND, so why would she want to be a part of the musical which is comprised of EXACTLY the same people? (And then seem to like them) It also isn't probably the best move popularity-wise to become a theater geek, even though i don't believe santana IS a popular kid since nobody likes her.
I agree I'm very dissapointed in the First time convo the girls shared. Brittany sounded like she was raped and like I said before..no Brittana; its kinda my head ship. Finn can go to other schools but if he were to try out for the NYC school Nyada with Kurt and Rachel he wouldn't make it in. Hes a good singer but definitelly not the best, I believe Blaine is an should try to be leader for once since Finn keeps shutting him down when hes just trying to help. He needs more of a storyline with finding his future path, he bounces back from Rachel to football he needs to try either new things or stick with one. I also didn't see anything involving football in season 3 and noticed he no longer wears his letterman jacket? I agree with what you said about Sebastian and Artie. Artie is kinda creepy and a dick, yet again, to people when it comes to relationships. We had this problem last year with Tina and Brittany. But I was proud of Santana giving him the flowers and his little random speech. Sebastian is another Santana and a think a bigger bitch than she is. I love Santana, shes my favorite charater and Naya Rivera is my Idol. When she is mean to someone or throws insults at them it's from fear and natural. She was raised by insults and backlashed and thats have she is used to talking to people. She has walls around her, which she will only open up for Brittany. On the other hand, Sebastian is just a hot dickesh guy who hits on Blaine even thou he repeatingly told him off and that he is in love with Kurt. Seems like he does it for fun and a quick one night stand with no backstory unlike Santana. I do disagree with your last sentence; she may be what they call 'popular' in that school, but that doesn't mean she can't do theatre. She has an amazing voice and loves what she is doing like in Season 1 where she says glee club is the best part of her day. She should do whatever she loves but, I cannot wait till see her open up more for Episode 7, "I Kissed A Girl". I will upload the review for "Mash Off" tommorow, comment I'd like to hear you opinion on the episode as well. Night
"Finn can go to other schools but if he were to try out for the NYC school Nyada with Kurt and Rachel he wouldn't make it in."
definitely not. but that isn't a bad thing imo as i don't think he's a NYADA guy in the least. based on my own opinions of what the fictional NYADA must be like (b/c yeah i've thought about what nyada would be like... geek), i actually think he'd be miserable there. finn even seemed to acknowledge in last year's finale that there is sort of an expiration date to finchel, so attempting to follow her to a school where he'd be miserable would be a huge mistake. it is pretty common that high school couples go their separate ways come college.
"He needs more of a storyline with finding his future path, he bounces back from Rachel to football he needs to try either new things or stick with one."
i don't think he has to stick to anything yet. who is to say that you ever find a one true path? some people are like Rachel and know exactly what they want from an early age. I have a friend who has always wanted to be a doctor, and I've always been a little jealous of that, b/c I still don't know what I want to do w/ myself. Every now and then that gets me down, but mostly I try to look at it as freeing me up to do whatever/whenever and that makes me happy too b/c it has enabled me to do some unique stuff. There is always this unspoken "pressure" that your life must follow a set formula: high school > college > marriage > job > kids and that if you aren't on that path you are a failure. i'm not a big finn fan, he doesn't have his life all figured out. "not having a path" is a valid "path". i'd tell him to go to college no matter what, so for now just focus on finding a school that is the right fit for him.
"I do disagree with your last sentence; she may be what they call 'popular' in that school, but that doesn't mean she can't do theatre. She has an amazing voice and loves what she is doing like in Season 1 where she says glee club is the best part of her day. She should do whatever she loves but, I cannot wait till see her open up more for Episode 7, "I Kissed A Girl". "
i don't disagree that she can and should do theater. One consistent point to her character has been the glaring contrast between bitchy!Santana and the happy!Santana who is so clearly enjoying the performance. unless this is Naya just unable to contain how much fun she is having (and i think she's a much better actress than that) Santana always looks so much lighter and freer when performing.... like for one brief moment she gets lost in the music and stops hating herself so much. which is great, b/c she is going to need the music as she doesn't have too many friends who will be rushing to her aid. I guess I would have just liked some kind of acknowledgement about her wanting to do it... b/c can we ever get enough Santana storyline?
look forward to your next review. i'd attempt one myself, but my jaw may or may not still be on the floor.
tend to agree with you about Finchel. btw- during the Power of Madonna ep, right after their respective dates, when Finn lied and said he didn't go through w/ it, didn't Rachel also lie and say that she had? i can't recall when she told Finn that she hadn't actually slept w/ jesse.
things i liked:
*santana in a red dress. i propose a new rule.
*santana pwning the Anita role and bringing down the house w/ America
*pezberry duet! yet one more person who duets better w/ rachel than finn does (imho of course)
*the football scout. the "i don't date girls" was pretty much perfect.
*artie's speech to the cast
*santana giving artie flowers
*Quinn saying something sensible
*Tina saying something meaningful. hurray for Tike being the model couple of sanity. please leave them in the background so they don't get effed up.
things that i disliked:
*sebastian, sebastian, sebastian. find some other way to get klaine to the gay bar, b/c this guy serves no purpose except to take time away from other storylines that need it
*weird pacing, the student council election is STILL going on, but the play is already being performed?
*while i liked artie getting some face time, i thought what he said to both blaine and rachel and then later to coach beiste was all highly inappropriate. and while he makes an adorable wing-man, that was also kind of creepy.
*is that really a celibacy club meeting? firstly, none of them belong in it and if not a club, why on earth would quinn and santana agree to meet rachel b/c she asked them too?
*brittany's first time sounds suspiciously like rape. not funny at all. please bring her IQ back to something functional or i can't ship her w/ anyone since she just weirds me out.
things that i think were missing/would've liked to see:
*i'm not buying that ohio state is recruiting Shane. at a big school like that even the o-line has to look more athletic. i think it is clear that RIB needs me to consult on the college recruiting process. i'm available.
*related to the above, i hope they realize that Finn can go to other schools. there are over 800 NCAA football schools in the nation. not going to Ohio state doesn't mean he still can't play football in college. on scholarship? maybe not, but there IS a level and a school out there for him somewhere. college sports is an awesome experience. there's nothing wrong with division III either! not being the BEST ever doesn't make him a failure and i hope that is the course that he is taking this year.
*related to the above path i hope finn is on, i hope that he realizes he is NOT the best male vocalist in ND. that doesn't make him bad either, but if he is truly the leader and wants to win at competition then he needs to realize that he is no longer the first string. totally my opinion as it is canon that he's supposed to be the male lead, but 1. why do they need a male lead? 2. why must competition duets be male/female pairings? 3. in no particular order: Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes and now Santana all pair better w/ Rachel than he does.
*more prep for the musical so we could see Artie as the director. would've made the cast's appreciation (esp Santana's) and his subsequent speech so much more meaningful
*some/any kind of meaningful glance between Britt/Santana during the "first time" meeting, b/c it is my head!canon that at least one is the "first" for the other.
*any kind of discussion about santana wanting to be a part of the musical. Sue has issues w/ her being in ND, but not w/ the musical? Also, santana seems to hate all the people in ND, so why would she want to be a part of the musical which is comprised of EXACTLY the same people? (And then seem to like them) It also isn't probably the best move popularity-wise to become a theater geek, even though i don't believe santana IS a popular kid since nobody likes her.
definitely not. but that isn't a bad thing imo as i don't think he's a NYADA guy in the least. based on my own opinions of what the fictional NYADA must be like (b/c yeah i've thought about what nyada would be like... geek), i actually think he'd be miserable there. finn even seemed to acknowledge in last year's finale that there is sort of an expiration date to finchel, so attempting to follow her to a school where he'd be miserable would be a huge mistake. it is pretty common that high school couples go their separate ways come college.
"He needs more of a storyline with finding his future path, he bounces back from Rachel to football he needs to try either new things or stick with one."
i don't think he has to stick to anything yet. who is to say that you ever find a one true path? some people are like Rachel and know exactly what they want from an early age. I have a friend who has always wanted to be a doctor, and I've always been a little jealous of that, b/c I still don't know what I want to do w/ myself. Every now and then that gets me down, but mostly I try to look at it as freeing me up to do whatever/whenever and that makes me happy too b/c it has enabled me to do some unique stuff. There is always this unspoken "pressure" that your life must follow a set formula: high school > college > marriage > job > kids and that if you aren't on that path you are a failure. i'm not a big finn fan, he doesn't have his life all figured out. "not having a path" is a valid "path". i'd tell him to go to college no matter what, so for now just focus on finding a school that is the right fit for him.
"I do disagree with your last sentence; she may be what they call 'popular' in that school, but that doesn't mean she can't do theatre. She has an amazing voice and loves what she is doing like in Season 1 where she says glee club is the best part of her day. She should do whatever she loves but, I cannot wait till see her open up more for Episode 7, "I Kissed A Girl". "
i don't disagree that she can and should do theater. One consistent point to her character has been the glaring contrast between bitchy!Santana and the happy!Santana who is so clearly enjoying the performance. unless this is Naya just unable to contain how much fun she is having (and i think she's a much better actress than that) Santana always looks so much lighter and freer when performing.... like for one brief moment she gets lost in the music and stops hating herself so much. which is great, b/c she is going to need the music as she doesn't have too many friends who will be rushing to her aid. I guess I would have just liked some kind of acknowledgement about her wanting to do it... b/c can we ever get enough Santana storyline?
look forward to your next review. i'd attempt one myself, but my jaw may or may not still be on the floor.
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