Title: U and Ur Hand
Pairing: Mention of S/B, past
Rating: NC-17 for some language.
Summary: Future!Britt is in a bar.
Spoilers: None
Brittany stood by the bar, surveying the crowd. She smirked to herself, no one here knew her. She'd been the dumb one in high school, but she'd grown up. College had given her an opportunity to change, catching up and finally graduating with honors.
She's combed the city, finding a bar, dark and smoky, filled with women. That was one thing that hadn't changed - she still loved hot girls.
A brunette caught her eye, and when the girl turned, her breath hitched in her throat. She made her way through the crowd, landing next to the blonde.
She was drunk, past seeing straight, and didn't recognize her former classmate. "Hey pretty," the Latina slurred, "buy you a drink?"
Brittany smirked, and nodded. "Sure."
The darker girl signalled the bartender, holding up two fingers, nodding her head at the blonde to her left. "Do you come here a lot? I've never seen you before." She handed Brittany a glass.
"I've never been here, but you've definitely seen me before, San."
Santana's eyes tried to clear, but she was too intoxicated. "I'm sorry, pretty, I didn't recognize you. Why don't we go back to my place? You can refresh my memory."
Brittany looked at her and smirked. "It's me, San. Brittany." She lifted her glass. "From high school?" Suddenly she upended the container, pouring the sticky liquor all over Santana's chest. "That's for all the years I loved you. Guess tonight your hand will have to do." With that, she spun on her heel and walked away.