tired really need to go to bed

Feb 09, 2009 22:08

Stolen from Cheo because I'm absolutely out-of-my-head bored. Is this survey based on that "If I Were A Boy" song by Beyonce by any chance? I think it is..

If You Were A Boy The Survey

What would your name be?
I don't know.. uh Mitchell, "Mitch" for short.

What kind of car would you drive?
A yellow Mustang! With some nice leather seats!

How would you style your facial hair?
Some kind of goatee thing perhaps? I don't know..lol

Would you be into serious relationships or just a night fling?
Serious relationship.

Would you be a momma's boy?
If she will let me stay at her house for free, then sure.

Would you brag about the things you have done sexually with a girl to all your guy friends?

What would you do if you caught your best bud's girl on a date with someone else?
Confront her.

What would be something all your ex-girlfriends remembered about you?
 How sweet and understanding I was. ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;

What would your current girlfriend be like?
Someone fun, nice, and very beautiful? xDD Or something like that.

What if your girlfriend doesn't like your best friend?
She'd better. BROS B4 HOES!!!11!111!!

What would your bedroom be like?
Messy.. but not too messy. Maybe a cool paint job and a bunch of posters 'n shet.

Would you be confident in your sexual performance?

You are at a party and one of your ex-girlfriends starts hitting on you knowing you have a girlfriend, what would you do?
Ignore her. If she is keeps it up, I will kindly tell her to fuck off.

What would you do for you and your girlfriend's one year anniversary?
Anything she wants to do! As long as it doesn't cost an ass load of money.

How many tattoos do you have?
A sleeve tattoo on one arm.

How would you feel about looking at porn?
Great, thanks for asking. xDD Some girls make too much of a big deal of looking at porn it's unbelievable.

Would you be good cooking?
Ladies all love a man that cook. >>; Well, maybe that's just me?

What kind of special talents would you have?
I can speak another language. Specially something European.

It's your girlfriend's special week of the month, what do you do?
DUCK AND FUCKING COVER. Nah, I'd probably just be more nice than usual and wouldn't take what she says to heart when she is being a bitch.

Your girlfriend calls you to tell you she is pregnant, what do you do?
Grow up and be a man. Support her in what ever she wants to do.

How would you spend your money?
Save it up! Unless I really want something cool. xD ^^

Would you be a football or any sports fanatic?
-____-;;;; I hate football fanatics. Soccer isn't that bad though. ^^

What kind of clothes would you wear?
Nothing beach-y or preppy. That is a homo look to me. Nothing oversized and thuggish. Nothing tacky. Something comfortable casual, but still flatters me.

Would you rather have sex with a girl who is pretty but rude and stupid or a girl who was fat but nice and smart?
What kind of question is this? xDDDD None of them!

Now that you are finished... would you rather be a boy instead of a girl?
Nope. :D Being a girl is fun!  
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