Myself and asexuality...

Nov 05, 2013 00:39

So I decided to read through this because I have semi identified with asexuality for a few years now... but sometimes I wonder if I've just done that to justify having never dated...

And then I read this.

Almost everything resonated with me... granted the specifically during sex part didn't, but that's because I've never had sex.. and I have very little desire to do so.  I think I've had one maybe two sex dreams, and when I woke up, it was like, huh.  Ok, whatever.

You think of sex in anthropological or scientific terms, rather than romantic or erotic terms. -I always thought that if I did have sex, it would be more of a "well that's how it works" type of situation.

You don’t understand what the big deal is.  You haven’t had sex for [insert significant amount of time here], so why are other people so worked up about going without for two weeks? - My roommate's have made this claim, and I don't get it... it can't be that great or exciting, but they seem really upset about missing this. Weird to me.

You’ve thought, “I must be straight by default”-When my roommate in college introduced herself as gay, I replied "I'm straight as far as I know." She found it highly entertaining, and I never explained it further than this.

You think that “sexy” clothes just look uncomfortable or cold and can’t understand why anyone would wear them. I like trenchcoats and suits... not actually on people, just those clothes.  I have no interest in naked people, ever.

“If I try it, maybe I’ll like it.” - I've had this thought many times, it's why I have an OKCupid Profile.  But every time I think, maybe I'll try it, it just doesn't seem fair to the other person because I just want to figure it out. :/

You think arousal is annoying.- This is rare for me (having arousal), but when I do, I'm just annoyed and a little weirded out.  When I was younger, I was upset that I never got aroused by anything... especially with my best friend constantly finding people hot... now on the occasion it happens, I just find it annoying.

You just pretended to be interested in sex.- I sort of did this in college, more just agreeing with others when they mentioned something and hanging onto a crush I had in college (which I later realized didn't develop until I had spent the entire summer talking to him over the internet... )

You often find sex scenes in books/TV/movies to be out of place or boring.- I used to read A LOT of fanfiction, generally the fanfics that were rated M because they had the best writing.  Of course there was sex involved in those stories, and I would spacebar through those scenes, I would read the dialogue though because I enjoy the conversations between characters.

You don’t catch it when people are flirting, even when you’re the one doing the flirting.- I really have no idea with this one.  I've never intentionally flirted with anyone, and  I would never have any idea if someone were flirting with me.. ever.

So yeah, I'm 99% sure I'm asexual.  Now I just need to figure out if I'm aromantic.

asexuality, sexuality, interesting article.

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