Mar 28, 2003 19:03
Met with the birthdad today, and his slick buddy Chad (i'm not kidding, that's his name). It didn't go well. Birthdad (from here on out known as 'sperm donor') is gonna fight for custody. Which means a long drawn out attorney battle, mucho bucks, with a decent chance of winning.
Sperm donor says he is getting married to his long time girlfriend (3 years?, you do the math, Jenn got pg in like July or August of LAST YEAR!) He wants to raise the baby, play house with his little woman. Makes me sick... And then he has the balls to say he doesn't even know if he is the father... well you outta know if you let Mr. Winky go down there big fella... you schmuck...
In a really pissy mood, didn't sleep well, stupid dog has thunderstorm anxieties... tried to climb up and sit on my head while I was sleeping, NOT a good thing. Kept me awake with her whining and carrying on for like over an hour. Am so tired I just want to sit in a corner and cry... ever get like that? It's a damn shame I quit smoking, becuase a smoke would be so grat right now...
Jenns baby shower is tomorrow, and oh joy, I am a nervous wreck about that too. I won't know anyone there except Jenn and her mom.
Ah well, hopefully the rain will come soon and I can fall asleep listening to it hit the roof. I love that sound.