It's pouring again and...

Apr 04, 2006 08:24

it doesn't look like it will let up much today. I pity the commuters since it really started dumping at the height of the morning commute.

My mom brought my mail over yesterday and informed me the sideview mirror on my car has been torn off and is dangling there by a cord. The only thing we can think that happened is a branch came down on it. I have yet to leave the house to go look. Maybe later today I can get down there to assess the damage and restock supplies.

In case you wonder about the supplies, it works like this: I go to the store and get a ton of stuff, like 50 bottles of diet vanilla Pepsi and cat food etc. by the case, then leave it in the car and periodically trudge down the hill with my back pack and canvas bag to cart up what I need to the house. It's a good system for me since it forces me to get up, put on the damned leg, and get some exercise. That's one reason among many that I adore living here. It would be all too easy to just sit amidst the beauty and gradually give up walking very much. This way I am challenged and I don't have to spend my time driving around when I don't have to.

We might have hail today. Oh joy...


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