Nov 01, 2016 00:15
I wonder sometimes why I still put filters on these. I'm not sure anyone reads them anymore. I wonder why I'm still so scared to speak the clear, unfiltered truth. I wonder sometimes why I even bother writing here at all.
But for so many years this has been my solace. My creativity. My soul. This is where I've worked things out. This is where I've done what I've needed.
LJ has been my sounding board. My best friend. My diary. My great unpublished novel. Its been a place where I've made friends. Its a place where I've lost friends. Its a place where I've gotten to know people and forgotten people.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Maybe I just make it completely private. Maybe I make it completely public. Maybe I change my expectations. Maybe I go to an add me community and find new people. All I know is that *this* isn't working.
Is it working for you?