Sure, why not

Jul 03, 2007 23:42

Do you have Justin Timberlake on your ipod?
If I had an ipod, I sure would. He's on my computer!! Does that count?

Where were you July 4th, 2006?
One of my favorite stories EVER! We did a great picnic at the house on Pinehill and a million people came. Then the group headed (with 9 month old Julian) to Centennial Olympic park. We finally found each other and had GREAT seats at the very front of the park. We sat down, and Julian was fussing, but it was just about time to have the fireworks start. We had been there literally 10 minutes and they shot off the first test explosive. It must have somehow changed the atmosphere, and they got on the PA and said, EVERYONE go find shelter immediately, a thunder storm is about to start. We grabbed our stuff and the baby, and started to run with the crowd of people. I had a thick quilt over the baby and duane held his umbrella over my arms. About ten seconds after we stood up, the sky opened up, and we had 6 blocks to run through (with the other bulls of Pampalona) to get to the parking deck. Half-way through the sprint, Julian got really heavy, I figured because my arms were tired. But, we we got to shelter, we were all soaked to the bone. Jeans wet past our knees, clothes sticking to us, hair plastered to our heads. And when we took the quilt off Julian, he was sound asleep! About an hour later it stopped long enough to run to the car. When we got home, it was completely dry, so the guys set off fireworks in the backyard. It was a wonderful experience, and one I hope not to forget.

Do you like Oatmeal?
I do now. When I was 7 my mom tried to make me eat some, I thought it was too runny already, but she made me put more milk in it, and forced me to eat it. So, the ornery kid I was refused to eat oatmeal again until I was in college. I know I'm pig headed.

What was the last movie you watched, and who did you watch it with?
Last Kiss with Marsh

Who was the first person you wanted to be like?
A girl my parents babysat named Hollie. She was older than me and oh so cool with pretty red hair that her mom put into braided pigtails. She ended up in rehab before she finished high school. Its a sad story....

What are the basic colors of your bedroom?
A tanish green and maroon. I need new linens, but I think I've found the ones I want at Target, and they are on sale and I just got a bonus!! YIPPEE!!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Hit snooze! Then bathroom!

Where were you when the 9/11 attacks happened?
Ethics Class. Then my dorm. Like I could have saved the world.

Where do you wish you lived?
Hawaii? No, I really am in love with my house. I am so blessed.

How many different people are in your text message inbox?
A lot probably. I'm not good at cleaning them out.

What is your friend doing tonight?
Great question, hopefully by now they are sleeping

Where is the last place you ate out at?
MexiCali Grill. But I didn't eat.

Do you have a TV in your room? What size is it?
No, thankfully! It keeps me up!

Where was your default picture taken?
NOt a picture--a cartoon!

Are you good at saving money?
Yup, but I don't always have enough to save!

When is the last time you went over your cell phone bill?
Its been a while--Last fall when I met Coleman, who loves to talk!!

Do you like Ramen noodles?

Do you rememeber Furbies?
Yes. They were scary

Does it strike you as funny when people freak out about Top 8's?
No, I'm used to it by now.

Does your mom and dad smoke?

Do YOU smoke?

Where is your favorite football team from?
Iowa City, Iowa or Atlanta!!

Who were you with Saturday night?
Me, myself and I.

Did you go to church Sunday morning?
Its one of my jobs. You should come see me sometime in my pretty white robe!!!

Are you taller or shorter than the rest of your family?
In the middle. My dad is 6'3" and my mom is 5'11". Sarah is 6'1 and I am 6'0"

How long does it take you to get ready?
Fifteen minutes give or take in the morning. If I have to shower and wash (and dry) my hair, then about 45-an hour. I have a lot of hair!

Does laundry really need to be separated?
I like to separate! (that sounds hillarious right now)

Do you own a webcam?

When is the last time you played basketball?
With Coleman and Marsh--Coleman killed him and now refuses to a rematch! Its kinda funny.

Do you like orange juice?
I used to love it. Now my stomach hates it, therefore so does my pallate.

Have you ever been arrested?
No, I'm a good girl. Sorry for no good stories

Have you ever gotten locked in a trunk of a car?
Thank God no.

What sport would you improve at, if you could?
Basketball or throwing a football. That damn spiral gets me EVERY time!

Do you wear chains?
I like having something to play with, so I always have a charm of some sort on a silver chain. But I don't know if that's what you were talking about.

Can you sleep in jeans?
If I am really really really tired.

When you get out of the you put your clothes on in the bedroom or bathroom?
Depends, but mostly bathroom. Atleast underwear.

Have you ever eaten duck?:
Nope, should try it sometime though. It is poultry right?
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