Jul 21, 2004 18:00
Ahh .. summer. I love it sometimes :) it's so hot today. I love it. Nice change. tee hee. My cousin has her going away cookout tonight :( Not so happy for that. She's leaving Friday .. moving to North Carolina. I'm gonna miss her<3 Me and J are flying down and visiting her though :) Once I get money for plane tix. WOOO. I'm pretty much stuck upstairs all day. My Uncle's are taking apart my stairs so I can't really go up or down. :| I'd jump off the landing, but I think they took that apart, too. Meh.
I had gymnastics last night. It was fun, I stunted a bit. Then Tanya helped with tumbling. :) I'm getting better, I really am. WOOO. I'll probably have it for competition, too :D Tee hee. GTC is sooo much better than AGC. I'm so happy that Estee and Nicole switched us :)
Yeah I have nothing else to say. I love Dreamstreet. OMG .. I do .. so much :) Chris, Greg, and Jesse are all SOOOOOOO GORGEOUS now :D
I'll add pictures later. As soon as I find out how :) I'm out though, gotta get ready! Comment me.