Nov 07, 2004 17:42
So coronation (homecoming) was last night and i shook my bum bum! I had sooo much fun! My owner Brittany looked so fucking pretty and her date was a little cutie. My friends looked hott!! I saw a lot ppl there and they all looked so great! My feet were killing me! Douche bag went with my brother German's sister. HAHA! He looked like he wasnt having very fun..sux to be him. He stared at me and it was weird. And he was also staring at krystel.We were like ok dude look the other way haha! He's rude, i tried saying happy b-day to him on friday and he ignored me and monday i asked if his b-day was on the 5th...i give up trying to be friends im not gonna chat withhim anymore....ok! anyway new subject. I had so much fun last night! Except all the effing tables were taken so we set our stuff on the corner where the speakers were haha. losers. Damn i havta go. TTUL BUDDIES!!! luv u and God too bye bye take care! muah