Nov 13, 2004 02:45
Hey hey!
* well my week has been okay. Yeah i said okay. Well, actually it hasnt been the best! I got in a fight with sum stupid ppl and then me and Christa got in a argument and also me and Jacob broke up. I dont kno why we did, but i guess it just wasnt meant to be. We fought over stupid stuff all the time anyways. So i dont know. but as you all may know, i do love Sean. Sean was really my first first love. He changed me in alot of ways, but i will alwyas love him no matter what. I have tried so many times to get over him , but i just cant. i dont know, im going to quit talking about him now, im going to get depressed. But yeah, my week haha! Well today has been the best! I got to come home with Christa ;)) hehe, me and her are nuts!
Kara & Christa *
Shew, what can i say? You all are my boo's " for the rest of my life"! hehe. I dont know what i would do without u two. You all have alwyas been there for me, when no one could even possibly imagine. We have stuck together through thick and thin, and we always will. I dont know what i would do without you gurls. Its like u all are my life, i stay here for u two. thank u guys for holdin my head high, when it was slowly falling and tahnk you all for alwyas telling me the truth about things. you know i oculd never lie to you all. When u all are hurt, i feel like im hurt, cause u all are all i ever think about ( besides sum ppl ) and i dont think that i could ever go on living, knowing that ur not here anymore. I would have to go to Heaven first. But i promise u all that i will be waiting there for you two. I know alot of ppl think bad of us, but its okay. I know that you all are great ppl and u all have a good head on ur shoulders, and no one can change that. I hope that in the future, u all will still be here with me, so we can go on telling our children and maybe even there children about us, while we was young. let's make these last fews years of our life "Unforgetable". So we can look back at all this crap and jsut laugh about it. i love you all with all my heart!
Grab them cocks and drop our socks . . " rest of our lifes " . . Curtis * . . Hon Boyz ;)) all 3 of them . . << haha that has to be the funniest guys! Remember our motto : 3 F's ;)) but i love you all and im going to get off here now.
Comment me ;))
* BriTt *