Jan 06, 2005 15:53
well its been forever since i last updated. not by choice but my life has just gotten so hectic. i really hate it. well since my last update i started dating thomas(again) and am happy with that. christmas was gay, i got shoes and sun glasses... and i played board games with my family. then new years i spent it with liz and her brother and some of his/our friends. we got nice and drunk lovely it was. try playing catch phrase when your drunk and you are guarenteed a party. i missed thomas that night but he ended up haing to work till 1 so i had to make other plans =(. i am dreading school with every fiber of my being. i hate it so much. no one likes me in school and i hate having to take shit from people when i i know i dont deserve it. i have seen alot of chase this break...weird, i get a boyfriend and now he wont leave me alone. practice yesterday wasnt that bad but i got super burnt and the makeup looks so crappy on me. i dodnt paint the floor today because no one wanted to give me a ride, by the way thanks for that. o well beggers cant be choosers. i guess if i didnt get in my accident then i wouldnt have this problem. i guess i just suck at life. i love liz savoldy so much!! she spent 4 days with me cause her parents went out of town and it was awesome, we only fought once over garlic sauce =). you are truly my best friend. you never think i put on and act and im glad we can tell each other everything and laugh at it in the process. i wish i could see you all the time. even thought thomas makes me t.o.ed sometimes you and him are the best things in my life you guys get me even when im gay and supid and eat wash cloths.
p.s. isnt werid when you get three way called attacked...by boys
p.s.s. and i hate being put on the spot with questions that you know will hurt someones feelings